Several factors to protect your home

Several factors can make a property more attractive to thieves. Some of the most common ones include location when the properties are in high-crime areas or isolated and not easily visible to neighbours or the street may be more attractive to thieves.  Another thing that thieves are searching for is properties with valuable items, such as electronics, jewellery, or art. 

Properties with weak or no security measures, such as inadequate locks or no security system, may be more attractive to thieves and especially when the home is less visible from the street or neighbouring properties as they are less likely to be caught.

Another factor to take into consideration is the availability of escape routes.  Properties with multiple escape routes, such as numerous exits or easy access to fences or other hiding places, may be more attractive to thieves.

These factors need to be considered and take appropriate measures to protect your property from theft. Such as setting up a security system, and ensuring that valuable items are kept out of sight.

Floodlights can be an effective security measure, as they can deter burglars by making it difficult for them to approach the property or hide in the shadows. Floodlights can also help to make a property more visible, which can help to deter burglars who prefer to target properties that are less visible or isolated.

To use flood lights effectively as a security measure, consider installing them in strategic locations around the property, such as near entry points or in areas that are not easily visible from the street. You should also consider using lights with motion sensors, which will turn on when someone approaches the property and may help to alert you to any potential threats.

In addition to flood lights, there are other security measures you can take to protect your property from burglars, such as installing strong locks on doors and windows, setting up a security system, and trimming back any vegetation that could provide cover for burglars and make sure that all entry points to the property are well-lit at night.

Burglars generally prefer to work quietly and without attracting attention, as this increases the chances of them being able to enter a property and steal valuable items without being detected. There are a number of measures you can take to help prevent burglaries and protect your property from burglars:

  1. Install strong locks on doors and windows: This can make it more difficult for burglars to enter your property.
  2. Set up a security system: A security system, such as an alarm or surveillance camera, can help to deter burglars and alert you to any attempted break-ins.
  3. Keep valuables out of sight: Burglars are likelier to target properties with visible valuables, such as electronics or jewellery. Keep these items out of sight and in secure locations.
  4. Make your property well-lit at night: Burglars prefer to operate in the dark, so making your property well-lit at night can make it less attractive to them.
  5. Trim back any vegetation that could provide cover for burglars: This can help to reduce the number of hiding places available to burglars.
  6. Consider installing window bars or security grills: These can make it more difficult for burglars to enter your property through windows.
  7. Keep doors and windows locked at all times: This can help to prevent burglars from entering your property.
  8. Consider joining or starting a neighbourhood watch program: This can help to deter burglars by increasing the chances that someone will notice and report any suspicious activity. 
  9. Reinforcing door hinges is one way to help improve the security of your doors. There are a few different options for reinforcing door hinges. 
  • Adding hinge pins: Hinge pins are the rods that connect the door to the door frame. By adding additional hinge pins to your door, you can make it more difficult for burglars to force the door open.
  • Installing security hinges: Security hinges are designed to be more resistant to tampering and forced entry. They may have additional features, such as non-removable pins, that make it more difficult for burglars to remove the door from the frame.
  • Adding a hinge reinforcement plate: A hinge reinforcement plate is a metal plate that is installed over the hinges on the inside of the door. It can help to strengthen the hinges and make it more difficult for burglars to force the door open.

It is important to note that while reinforcing door hinges can help to improve the security of your doors, it should not be the only security measure you take. It is always a good idea to use strong locks, such as deadbolts, and keep doors and windows locked when you are not home.

Leaving less obvious signs that your house is empty can help to deter burglars and make your home less attractive to them. Here are a few things you can do to make it less obvious that your house is empty when we are away.  Set timers on lights, appliances, and electronics to turn on and off at different times as if someone is home.  

Leave a car in the driveway: If you have more than one car, consider leaving one in the driveway while you are away. This can make it appear as if someone is home.

Have a neighbour or friend check on the house regularly while you are away and pick up any mail or packages. It is important to remember that these measures are not fool proof

, and it is always a good idea to take other security precautions, such as installing strong locks and setting up a security system.