Locksmith Guildford GU1

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 Address:  Merrow, Guildford GU1 2SX

Working in vicinity of Guildford Golf Club

The GU locksmith Guildford business has been operating for the last 7 years, starting in 2016. With years of experience and a diverse range of lock issues solved, the business has developed a broad skill set.

GU Locksmith Guildford provide services for Guildford and the surrounding areas.  We are operating all year round and our services are fully guaranteed.  We can be contacted at any time day or night.

The town of Guildford has a rich history dating back to the times of Alfred the Great, as evidenced by the oldest recorded mention of the settlement in his will from around 1000 AD. The name “Guildford” is believed to have originated from the Old English word “gylde” meaning gold, possibly referring to the yellow sand in the area or the concentration of yellow flowers. The second part of the name, “ford,” refers to the crossing of the River Wey. Over the centuries, the name of the town changed from Gyldeforda to Gildeford, Guldeford, and Guildeford, finally settling as Guildford. The River Wey Navigation was opened in 1653, which helped to transport goods and materials to new markets in London, leading to further investment and growth in the town. The arrival of the railway in the 1840s and the establishment of the University of Surrey in 1966 further cemented Guildford’s status as a thriving town with a rich history and culture.

GU Locksmith Services is dedicated to opening locks and doors without causing any damage to the property. Our locksmiths are highly trained professionals who have the expertise to unlock any type of lock and door safely and efficiently. We offer emergency lockout services to customers who have lost, broken, or forgotten their keys. Our locksmiths will use their skills and tools to gain entry to your home quickly and with no or minimal damage. We prioritise providing quick and effective solutions to customers who require our emergency locksmith services.